Message from the Chair

April 1, 2022

My name is Mathew Yoshitake, and I am pleased to announce that I will be chairing this council for a two-year term beginning in January 2022. I am honored and grateful to all of you who have nominated me for this position. I will do my best to be able to meet your expectations.
I would like to thank Chairman Okamoto and Secretary General Tsukamoto for their hard work during their four years of service until last year. As the first Chair and Secretary General appointed on a term-limited basis, you have provided leadership on various issues that we need to address as a Japanese business group, including the launch of our website. Thank you very much.
Our member, 10 organizations have a variety of functions, not only to develop the business of each member, but also to support new business, promote business between Canada and Japan, and interact with business groups in other countries, regardless of whether they are from different industries or industry groups. Beyond business groups, we also contribute to solving common problems in the Nikkei community, contributing to the local community, and developing friendship between Canada and Japan.
I, myself served as a board member and president of several business groups, I strongly feel the importance of inter-group cooperation. I will do my best to support each organization so that they can work together to revitalize Nikkei business and the Nikkei community, while making the most of their unique characteristics.
Over the past two years, the rapidly changing regulations and safety measures of the COVID-19 have made many businesses and social life uncertain. The Consulate General of Japan in Vancouver has been a great source of support for the members of this Council, constantly updating us with information. We will continue to strengthen our cooperation with the Consulate General.
In the midst of social conditions that are shaking the foundation of the world order, such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, cooperation among the Japanese community, local communities, and other countries is becoming increasingly important. We hope that this council will serve as a base for such partnerships, and we look forward to your cooperation.

Japanese Business Council of Vancouver
Matthew Yoshitake