
企友会・懇話会共催 新春懇談会

企友会・懇話会共催 新春懇談会のお知らせです。

毎年恒例の講演会には、ゲストスピーカーとして、在バンクーバー日本国総領事館より石川 征幸 領事、バンクーバービジネス懇話会より田村 耕造 副会長をお迎えしてご講演頂く予定です。

日 程:2020120日月曜日 
場 所:UBC Robson Square, HSBC Hall
    800 Robson Street, Vancouver, BC Canada V6Z 3B7
時 間:630pm (開場) – 900pm 開場と同時に名刺交換会をはじめます。
参加費:企友会・懇話会会員 無料、 非会員 $15

6:30 – 7:00 開場・受付・名刺交換会(30分 軽食をご用意しております)
7:00 – 9:00 懇談会(講演会)

講演会 ゲストスピーカー

  • 在バンクーバー日本国総領事館 領事  石川 征幸 氏 『カナダ・BC州経済情勢』
  • バンクーバービジネス懇話会副会長、Mitsubishi Materials Corp.  General Manager, Vancouver Office  田村 耕造 氏 『海外生活を通して、感じた日本人と日本語の美しさ』

Address: P.O. Box 48494, Bentall Station, Vancouver, B.C. V7X 1A2
担当:企友会事務局 美香スミス

Address:# 250 – 4140, No. 3 Road, Richmond, BC. V6X 2C2
Tel:(604) 306 – 0781
担当:懇話会事務局 塚本隆志


Information of the New Year’s round-table conference co-sponsored by the Kiyukai and Konwakai.

The annual lectures will be attended by guest speakers: Consul Masayuki Ishikawa from the Consulate-General of Japan in Vancouver and Vice Chairman Kozo Tamura from the Konwakai.
Non-members can also participate in the New Year’s Roundtable. We also have a business card exchange, so please join us inviting everyone.
* Prior application is not required.

Date: Monday, January 20, 2020
Location: UBC Robson Square, HSBC Hall 800 Robson Street, Vancouver, BC Canada V6Z 3B7
Time: 6:30 pm (Opening)- 9:00 pm
Start business card exchange at the same time.
Participation fee:
Free of charge for Kiyukai and Konwakai members
$ 15 for non-members

6:30-7:00 : Opening, reception and business card exchange (30 minutes, Snacks are available)
7:00-9:00 : Lecture

Guest Speaker
– Masayuki Ishikawa, Consul, Consulate-General of Japan in Vancouver
“Canada / BC Economic Situation”
– Kozo Tamura, Vice Chairman of Konwakai, Mitsubishi Materials Corp. General Manager, Vancouver Office
“Japanese people and Japanese language beauty felt through overseas life.”

Contact :
Kiyuakai secretariat
Address : P.O.Box 48494, Bentall Station, Vancouver, B.C.V7X 1A2
E-mail: info@kiyukai.org
Person in charge: Mika Smith

Konwakai secretariat
Address :# 250-4140, No. 3 Road, Richmond, BC. V6X 2C2
Tel: (604) 306-0781
E-mail: konwakai@konwakai.ca
Person in charge: Takashi Tsukamoto
* On the day, we will take photos for the Kiyukai bulletin and HP.  Please be forewarned.




06:30 PM - 09:00 PM


UBC Robson Square
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