2022年6月30日 連絡協議会 半期会合報告




・1月10日 ZOOMによる年次総会が開催され、各構成団体代表および総領事館より12名の参加があった。その中で4年間議長を務めてこられた岡本氏から吉武新議長へ、事務局の塚本氏から企友会への移行が報告された。


英語名:Japanese Business Council of Vancouver (JBCV)                                                                

・2020年はコロナ渦で中止、2021年はオンライン開催だった”Sakura Days Japan Fair (SDJF)” が、  4月9,10日に、バンデューセンパークで開催された。塚本実行委員長からの報告では、2日間で13,000人という過去最高の入場者を記録したとのことだった。

・4月19日 領事館会議室にて、川村大使との懇談会が開かれ、懇談会を除く全9団体が参加した。




Japanese Business Council of Vancouver (JBCV)  held its semi-annual meeting for the fiscal year 2022 on Thursday, June 30, at the Consulate General of Japan in Vancouver. Including Consul General Hatori, Chief Consul Tada, and Consul for Economic Affairs Hisada attended the meeting, a total number of participants were 17 from 9 organizations.

Consul General Hatori reported that Ambassador Yamanouchi, who arrived in Ottawa in May this year, had visited Vancouver and met with the new and old chairpersons of JBCV.
Mr. Yoshitake gave a summary of the first half of FY2022 as follows;
On January 10, JBCV held its annual general meeting via Zoom, 12 representatives from each member organization and the Consulate General attended. Mr. Okamoto, who had served as a chairperson for the past four years, reported that Mr. Yoshitake was appointed as the new chairperson, and the Kiyukai was appointed as the secretariat.

Japanese name: Japanese Business Council of Vancouver (JBCV)
English name: Japanese Business Council of Vancouver (JBCV)
Website: https://jbcv.org/

The Sakura Days Japan Fair (SDJF), which was canceled in 2020 due to the Covid, and was held online in 2021. In 2022, SDJF was held on April 9 and 10 at Van Dusen Botanical Garden. According to a report by Mr. Tsukamoto, the fair had a record attendance of 13,000 people over the two days.

On April 19, a round-table meeting with Ambassador Kawamura was held in the consulate’s conference room, attended by all nine organizations except for Konwakai.

Mr. Yoshitake said he would like to use JBCV’s official website to share information among member organizations. And one of the main responsibilities would be to become a hub between the Consulate General of Japan in Vancouver and Japanese business communities.

Each member reported on their activities for the first half of the year and presented their plans for the future. The meeting ended in 75 minutes as scheduled, and a reception was held at a new location. JBCV will continue to fulfill the role to strengthen further the relationship between Nikkei business and the Nikkei community.

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